Do you ever feel like you are drowning in uncertainty, the fear of what tomorrow will bring, or maybe you feel alone, or like you do not fit in? Maybe you are in deep pain, over the loss of a job, or the loss of a loved one or a close relationship, or maybe a business or personal venture has gone awry. Do you feel overwhelmed by all of the roles that you play in your life and in the lives of those you care about. You want more out of life, but you feel stuck? Maybe you find yourself in a rut and want so desperately to get out? Maybe you have considered getting help in turning your life around, but you don’t want to burden your family or be judged by your friends. If you felt a “yes” to any of these questions, then this article is for you. Maybe you are considering seeking out a life coach but you are not sure which one, this article highlights a few important factors to consider by weighing the pros and cons.

Pros: A great coach will:
- Boost your mental activities: Your coach will nurture you and the way your think, strengthen you and challenge you, always guiding you so that you can start to see what has been within you along. Your coach sees this and will work with you to identify all of the good that is already within you, that perhaps you didn’t even know of, and bring it out.
2. Help you find your dreams: We all have them, they are what is imprinted on our souls, and if we do not go after them, we will feel a longing, an emptiness that we cannot quite put our finger on, but we know that something deeper, and more meaningful is seeking to emerge from us. A good coach will help you to discover your dream, get clear on the details of that dream and formulate together with you a clear structure and a plan of action that will take you to that dream in much shorter time frame than if you tried doing it on your own. We are social creatures, born to form a tribe and thrive and flourish by learning from one another and growing together. No man is an island. The most successful people in the world will tell that they had a mentor or a support system.
3. Be a relentless support system: Whether you prefer a group coaching scenario that is backed by the power of being in a tribe with like-minded people who are going through the same as you, or a one-on-one scenario, the support and growth that comes from whichever structure you choose cannot be measured. Your coach is a guide, mentor, a sounding board, and a motivator all in one, mostly, they hold you accountable which is paramount to your growth. In this safe environment, you can remove all masks, be your most authentic self, and feel safe, knowing that all that is discussed is kept in the strictest of confidence, without judgement and that you are held in the highest regard with the aim of helping you to get to your highest self. This is a relationship like no other you will ever have. What is important to know is that a great coach will never tell you what to do, but rather guide you to making discoveries about yourself so that you can take the next step that feels right for you, and is in line with your purpose. The goal is to get you to your dream and not to make you dependant on the coach, so be on the lookout for that when choosing a coach for yourself.
4. Authority: With a coach, you are the highest authority, and together you learn to think, speak and act as the authority in your life. You learn to create results for yourself that are free of circumstance, limitations and thoughts that hold you back, as you start to design what you have always yearned for but never thought possible. You become unapologetic in your quest for betterment as you gain momentum in your confidence, your abilities, and your will to overcome anything. It is all about you, what matters to you and how to get it.
5. Retuning: Your thoughts have power, some are affirming, others are limiting, and sometimes may be detrimental to your growth. A coach with teach you to retune your thoughts and get you ready for success with empowering thoughts and language and action.
To sum up, the pros are: Pro You, Pro Your Development, Pro Your Achievements, Pro Lasting Results, Pro Prosperity in areas of your life that you would love to improve or transform.

Here Are Some CONs That You Will Encounter When You Start Working With A Coach.
- Connection: The connection you have with your coach is a deep one, a highly energetic and vibrational bond that breaks barriers that are cultural, societal, with yourself, and has no borders, no bounds, no ceilings. This connection is honest, and explores possibilities, action steps and you will even find yourself having fun. A good coach has you looking forward to your next contact, but not dependant, because a coach is all about empowering you and freeing you from dependencies and dependant based thing or feeling.
2. CONceive: Through your journey of being coached, you learn to believe in the power you hold within yourself, you learn to conceive ideas that propel you forward, that will take you to your next level, lead you to live out your dreams. There is a science to conceiving ideas, and the very basis of that is mental activity.
3. CONversation: Your Coach is your GO TO for a real conversation that is not about complaining or being the victim, but rather about creation. Creation of the life or circumstances that you truly want for yourself. These conversations are inspiring, motivating, uplifting, and always honest, and it is driven by a vision that you define for yourself.
4. CONsciousness: A coach teaches you to become more conscious of the world around you, the possibilities, and abundance that is ever present, but invisible to you where you are now. Through your work together with a coach, you will start to see your world with a new lenses, a fresh perspective and with a winning mindset.
5. CONtemplation: Your coach will guide you into a world of deeper contemplation where you learn to ask the tight question, harness the skills to answer these questions for yourself and not rely on the opinions of others who want to protect you and keep you safe in your comfort zone. Instead, you will learn to contemplate what it is you want for yourself and not what others want for you.,
6. CONsistency: A coach will teach you principles to develop your natural skills to bring consistent results, regardless of what crazy things goes on in the world or what uncertain times you may be in. You develop tools to not only cope, but to thrive, always creating solutions for yourself. This consistency also comes from the support you encounter from your coach.
7. CONquering: Whenever you enter a new situation, a new challenge, a new higher level, it can be scary, daunting even. Together with your coach, you learn to navigate roads not travelled before, face fears, and even see that starting is the scariest point, the road itself is not. Once you start to tackle the big and the small things that hold you back, you see that you are conquering and that the conquering is not only fun, but makes you strong and invincible. It starts with conquering the things you know you want to conquer, like overcoming a bad habit, and you will discover things you did not know about yourself, that you will want to conquer too, like being released from the worry of what others may think of you. Think of all the things you want people to say about you in rooms that you are not in. What would you like them to say about you, and how you can start to be that person that they are talking about?
8. CONtribution: A coach will take you from your point of pain, to your point of purpose, and will guide you to discover your true path, so you can live your greatest prosperity. You will start to see the world differently, and start to wonder about your contribution to that world. What contribution would you like to make? What kind of legacy would you like to leave behind.
9. CONgratulations: Your coach will congratulate you for all of the wins in your life, and re-joice with you as you take small steps and turn them into big leaps. Whether it is celebrating even just getting up out of bed if that is a challenge for you, celebrating you starting your own business, or celebrating turning a low profit venture into a 6 figure empire. Whatever level you are at, congratulating yourself for it, your coach will too, and if you cannot see it, your coach will and will point out all of the things that you can congratulate yourself for.
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