MentorMorphis is a counselling agency that offers personal development coaching for clients. The live coaching and the various motivational offers are represented by a range of diverse programmes which can be booked by the client and, depending on the offer, consist of seminars, lectures but also of individual one-to-one sessions.
The contract text (including the GTC) will be saved by MENTORMORPHIS. The contract information regarding the order will be sent to the CLIENT by a separate text (mail). The GTC can be printed within our Website.
All seminar documents and presentations are protected by copyright. All rights to the seminar documents are the exclusive property of MENTORMORPHIS or the respective author or publisher. Reproduction, transfer to third parties or other use, with the exception of use for the personal information of the participant, is only permitted with the prior written consent of MENTORMORPHIS.
Consumers are generally entitled to a statutory right to cancel. The legal regulations regarding any existing right to cancel are contained exclusively in the cancellation policy, which is available to the CUSTOMER as part of the ordering process.