*Disclaimer: This is not an article on financial advice or financial investment strategies, but rather how to harness some of the immutable universal spiritual laws to unlock your abundant power. But what does abundance look like to you. It is so much more than amassing bucket loads of money.
Ever notice how one area of your life may flourish, yet it feels like another area has taken a back seat? It may be your earning power has increased, but therefore, so has your stress levels, and responsibilities, at the cost of your time freedom, your vibrant health, and the quality of your relationships.
1. Sacred Scrolls To Self
Whatever your state of mind is, is reflected in your results, in your experiences. You get what you are, not what you want. If you operate from a place of fear and lack, you get more fear and lack. If you operate from a place of expansion and abundance, you will get more expansion and abundance. Direct your thoughts away from scarcity, and what you do not have and steer your thoughts and feelings towards gratitude, fullness, abundance, expansion and love, and that is what you will start to see more of showing up for you in your life. Do not wait for your bank balance to change before you change what you think, feel and do. Think from the frequency of what it would feel like to have abundance and practice this all of the time, in moments of joy and especially in challenging times.
As Anthony Robbins says: “When you are grateful, fear disappears and abundance appears.”
Let this be part of the sacred pledge that you make with yourself to invoke more abundance in your life, whatever abundance may look like to you. Your biography becomes your biology, so as you fill in the pages of your life, know that you are creating and building up the cells for your biology to function for you, your experiences, your desires, your results. There is a mind-body connection. Whatever we have in our mind reproduces after its kind in our bodies and in our results. Do you have an abundance of health, do you have an abundance of love, do you have an abundance of wisdom, do you have an abundance of the skills and qualities that make you the person that you have always dreamt of becoming? How will you fill in the scrolls of your sacred pledge to your “self”? It is after all the very reason why you are here.

On the subject of pledges, a wonderful resource for you to get inspired to write out your sacred scrolls is the book, The Four Agreements, by Don Miguel Ruiz[1]. These four simple, yet spiritually elegant principles serve as a guideline to the promises we make to ourselves, and it is an enlightening read. I encourage you to get the book as a gift to your “self”.
In a nutshell, here are The four agreements:
- Be Impeccable With Your Word.
- Don’t Take Anything Personally.
- Don’t Make Assumptions.
- Always Do Your Best.
2. Sacred Circulation
Where there is circulation, there is life. Where there is stagnation, there is no life. Think of a swamp, there is no sign of life, and a swamp sucks in everything that comes into contact with it. The same premise applies to saving, or hoarding or keeping things to yourself, for fear of not having enough. It creates a block, thereby cutting off the source of abundance. Imagine that abundance was water, flowing through a hosepipe. If there is a blockage, water cannot flow through it. If you do not have an outlet, you cannot tap into the source from which you wish to receive. If you are feeling stuck, in your career, love life, or finances, look at ways to remove the blockage and give that which you wish for yourself.
In your relationships, if you are frustrated that your partner doesn’t communicate well, identify where there is a blockage. It maybe that you have not been forthright with all of your emotions for the sake of keeping the peace. That creates a build-up, and therefore a blockage. Calling for clear communication and opening up about things that have disappointed or hurt you, creates a better understanding and flow between the two of you. This will allow your partner to open up to you more, as you will have shown the way, and also healed yourself. Blast the blockage by releasing emotional clutter and watch the love that you seek flow freely from and to you. It also means making the time for the people and the things that are truly important.

In your career, you may be feeling stuck, not getting the salary you desire or deserve, or you may have been passed up for a promotion, and you are wondering how you can get unstuck.
If you want to be promoted, you can start by making yourself promotable. Come with solutions to the problems that you know that your department or company has. Offer to do the things that others do not want to do, offer to lead a project, seek out a mentor, and then mentor someone junior in aspects of the job that you have mastered. When you help someone else succeed, then you guarantee that you will succeed. Be the one who cultivates a culture of co-operation instead of competition in your approach, whilst also asserting that you will not do other´s work for them, because creating flow and giving where it is needed means also knowing to help those who are willing to help themselves.
In your finances, it means being comfortable with having money leave your account as much as you are comfortable with having it enter your account. What energy are you expending when paying your bills? What are you feeling, a grudge or frustration? Imagine how it feels when you receive money in your account, and then imagine the same of the recipient of your payment. In the case of your car insurance for example, it pays the salaries of the employees and keeps your car insured. Even if you do not collect on your insurance payments, sometimes, you have to pay forward before you can collect the fruits of your payments in a different way, from a different source.
In business, it means thinking, feeling and acting in the space and energy of collaboration, contribution and giving value. How can you bring value to your customers, your suppliers, your competitors. Focusing on raising your prices while reducing quality delivery, thinking acting in ways that is advantageous to your business, but at the cost of competitors is contractive, and is in misalignment of abundance. In business, one does not have to cheat or compete to be abundant
What You Desire Is What You Should Give First. Give freely. Give frequently. Give without expecting anything in return. Give love, Give money, Give time, Give energy. Give knowing that when you give, you are opening up a source to receive.
3. Sacred Practice Of Praise
Whether you praise directly in what you say to another, or whether you praise in the form of feeling and sending genuine blessings, that which you praise will grow. Praise your children and they grow up with confidence. Praise your plants and they will grow lush and beautiful. Praise your pets, and they will give you unconditional love. Praise your partner and they will go out of their way to please you. Praise your customers, and they will tip you well, or speak highly of your products. Praise your opponent in sport or debate, and secure a positive outcome. Praise your body with positive statements and self-love and your body will respond to you with vibrant health. Praising yourself with I am statements raises your self-esteem. Praise puts you in a positive vibration, allows you to see the accomplishments, the good, the growth. Insults leave us feeling empty, as no increase can come from insult.
In The Science of Getting Rich, Wallace Wattle teaches us that: “The grateful mind is constantly fixed upon the best, therefore it tends to become the best, it takes the form or character of the best, and will become the best. It doesn’t take much to praise, and yet the rewards are boundless”. Speak, think, see, and praise your way to abundance.

4. Sacred Selflessness
So many mistake the word selfless with self-neglect, and self-harm for the sake of others, but this is a huge misconception. A definition from the dictionary explains this as the opposite of selfishness, and the lack of pre-occupation with one´s own furtherment, desires, or self-interests, and shows attentiveness to the advancement of others. It may be as simple as wanting more for others. Wanting more for others doesn’t mean wanting more for them than you do for yourself, or that you have to neglect yourself, it means that you are able to disconnect from the ego and wish for others to have more as well. This puts you in a state of abundance and it increase your sense of deserving, because you can identify with the deserving of others too. This means not having to be bigger or better than others, not having to beat others at a game or for the number one spot, or for attention, but just doing things for the sake of loving what you do, and wishing others well, wanting more for them. Speak to your higher self when you feel the ego emerging, when you feel the need to outshine someone else, put an obstacle in their path, or feel the need to compete, or even feel envious of someone else’s good fortune. Be aware of this emotion when it arises, and ask yourself if this emotion or prompt is in the interest of your greatest good, your prosperity and your emotional and spiritual abundance.

5. Sacred Contribution
Everyone talks about being a go-getter, but the sacred laws of abundance speaks of being a giver. Practice the art of prosperity, regardless of what area in your life you are seeking to create “more” of, by tithing. We live in an abundant world, yet we think and feel from a place of lack or scarcity. “But how can I tithe when I have so little?”, any will ask. Well, if you persist in this thinking, you will only get more of it, more scarcity, more lack, more doubt, more longing. We resist our abundance by holding onto to the little we have because of the worry, fear or doubt. What you resist will persist. We resist by focusing and feeling contraction. Tithing in the absence of evidence, and in the absence of the appearance of abundance, in the presence of faith and sense of contribution tells the universe that you are ready to receive. Know this, the universe cannot contribute to you if you do not contribute first, for it has no frame of reference, no pattern from which to operate from, so if your pattern is fear, you will get more fear, if your pattern is withholding to keep for yourself, the universe will do the same. Make your contribution solely for the sake of giving, and not for the sake of getting.
What are you contributing to your family and friends, what are you contributing to strangers, what are you contributing to the world. Contribution comes in many forms, respect, being genuine, a friendly smile, impact, inspiration, a helping hand, a show of generosity.
You can tithe of your time, you can tithe of your energy, and you can tithe of your money, tithe 10% of what you have, and as your abundance grows, so should your contribution.

6.Sacred Systems Update
Abundance is a state of being. Focus on attracting instead of chasing. Fuel your fortune with faith, that you are abundant. Observe contractive or negative thoughts and replace them with thoughts, energy and behaviour that is more expansive. Shift your focus from lack to abundance and what that feels like. If you see someone driving the car of your dreams, and you think, “I wonder what he did to be able to afford that” catch yourself thinking the thought, forgive it and release that thought and replace it with “good for him”. Compare your inner systems to software in a computer. If you have too many programs running in the background, your computer will start to run slow. It is the same for us as beings having this human experience. Old programs running in our minds, limiting beliefs, negative self-talk, hurtful or traumatic experiences, or the same old stories we tell ourselves as to why we do not and cannot have what we want, only slows down or blocks our ability to be the abundant beings we were meant to be. When our computers run slowly, we instinctively know to de-install the programs causing the problem and to install a systems update. It is imperative that we do the same for our minds, hearts, and especially for our spirit.

[1] https://www.miguelruiz.com/the-four-agreements