What is Vibration?
Before we start raising our vibrations is important to understand what vibration is, and where it comes from. Vibration is derived from energy. Whether you are spiritual or prefer a more scientific approach in your beliefs, we all have the understanding that everything is made up of energy. Einstein has taught us that every mass or cell is made up of energy and that energy can be transformed. Break down a cell, and you find atoms, break down an atom and you find protons, electrons and neurons, all of which are made up of energy. It therefore stands to reason that our thoughts and emotions too are energy.
The word emotion = E (energy) + Motion (movement) means energy in motion. There are low energies in emotion such as fear or anger, and high energies such as excitement, passion or love. Vibration is the movement of particles and atoms and frequency is the measurement or rate at which that vibration takes place.

Why is it important to have an elevated vibration?
The higher your vibrational frequency, the more expansive you are, which leads to a greater life essence. This means that the more positive your emotions are, the higher your vibrational frequencies are, the more you can enjoy your life and make the most of your experiences at any given and all times.
12 Tips To Raise Your Vibration
- Gratitude
Gratitude and the practice of giving thanks is associated strongly with mental health and happiness. Gratitude can be practiced by stating out loud something that you are grateful for, such as the gift of a brand new day, the pleasure of your cup of coffee or for a special someone in your life. You can amplify your gratitude practice with a gratitude journal. Writing something down by hand increases the energy, so start today by writing down 5 things or people that you are grateful for.

2. Finding Happy Moments In Every Thing You Do
Celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how big or small you perceive them to be, an achievement is an achievement, and its yours.
Enjoy a good cup of tea or your favourite treat and relish every sip, bite or gulp. Enjoy the aroma of your favourite food or what you are cooking.
Host a game night with the family or friends.
Pick up the phone and chat to someone you love.
Kiss your kids, cuddle with your pets.
Do something fun that you used to love doing as a child, such as seeing how many marshmallows you can fit in your mouth at once, or skip instead of walking.
3. Make a Power Playlist
Music is a powerful tool to influence your emotions. Listening to music that is energetic and upbeat and laced with positivity is a great driver of high energy. Its no wonder that we exercise best when we are listening to music or associate our fondest memories with a special song. Songs like being happy, or walking on sunshine, or being a winner or being powerful will instantly put you in a good mood and set you up for a great day.

4. Practice Self-Care
Self-care is a pre-curser for self-love. You can start to practice self-love with self-care activities that nourish your body, your mind and your well-being and boost your immune system.
Whether you pamper yourself with a relaxing bubble bath, lighting scented candles, meditating, or listening to sounds of the forest, no matter what you choose to do, doing something positive for yourself is key to raising your vibration.
Drink loads of water, but don’t just drink water, make it high vibration experience by filling your jug with mineral or spring water and adding slices of cucumber and lemons, strawberries or mint to it. It looks good and tastes good too. Also load up on high vibrational foods that will give you physical energy. Feeling strong and health certainly raises the vibrational bars.
Take a time out from technology. Turn off the television, tablet, laptop and your phone, cosy up with a good book and tap into the theatre of the mind. Spend quiet time by yourself and ask yourself important questions like what you would love, and how you can invite more of that into your life.
5. Have A Dance Party
As mentioned, emotion is energy in motion, so get moving by having a spontaneous 5 minute dance party, crank up the volume to your favourite uplifting song and feel your vibration rising as you dance to the tunes playing. This will get your blood pumping, improve your circulation and get your heart rate up. It’s also good exercise and does wonders for your health and well-being.

6. Notice The Beauty Around You
This may be the roses in your garden, or a striking sunset or how good look today. Consciously noticing something that is wonderful and beautiful and savouring that moment goes a long way to elevating your vibration.
7. Positive Affirmations
Each day, write down a new affirmation and say it out load three times. This is a great way to kick start your day. Making a list of positive affirmations or “I Am” statements is a great way to cultivating a positive mindset and raise your vibration. This opens up the door between your conscious and subconscious mind. It helps you to overcome self-sabotaging thoughts, replacing them with empowering ones, and by repeating this, you can start to make positive changes to your life.
8. Have a good Laugh
Laugh often, laugh loud and laugh without inhibition. Laughter is a good stress antidote, and helps to relieve pain. Just listening to a baby laughing can improve your mood, as well as indulging in your favourite comedy show or tickling your kids.

9. Compliment Yourself, a Loved One, A Colleague and A Stranger
You look fantastic. Well done. Great job. You deserve it. You´re amazing. I believe in you.
These are all things we can say to ourselves and the people we come into contact with. This practice not only elevates your vibrations, it elevates the vibration of the recipient of your good words, and that is always a great thing to do.
10. Hand Out Hugs
Hugs are good for you, it reduces the feeling of loneliness, and the impacts of stress. Hugging also releases serotonin, oxytocin and endorphins, all chemicals in the brain that elevate happiness. It also spreads the joy, is comforting and a great pick-me-up.

11. Surround Yourself with High Vibrational People
There is truth to the saying that your tribe is your vibe. Spend more time with people who have a positive outlook, who do not complain, who see possibilities instead of problems, who see adventure instead of challenges and who focus on the good. A book club, supper club, or social activities with like-minded people activates your vibration. It doesn’t have to be in your vicinity, you can find such groups online too, especially if you are unable to leave the house. Find yourself a good mentor and spend time with them, learn from their wisdom and make it your own.
12. Small Acts of Kindness
If you’re grabbing a coffee on the way to work, grab one for your colleague too. If you´re making cookies, make extra and take them to your neighbour. Put some coins into a charity collection jar. Call your parents and grandparents for no reason other than to thank them for all they have done for you. Leave a surprise note for your child in their lunchbox or for your spouse, telling them how awesome they are, and how much you love them.

Implement these practices into your life and watch your vibration soar.